Tuesday 24 May 2011

Decorating the kitchen with tea again..

So I've just woken up from a rather long nap. After I decided once again to loose my balance and chuck tea all over the kitchen.

I'll just explain (vent)...

I didn't lie down until half three in the afternoon (I don't usually nap so late). It's strange because I didn't really feel all that bad today. Woke up like normal, ate, showered, read for a bit, caught up on all my emails etc, watched a little tv, then given that it's a beautiful day thought it would be nice to go for a walk around the village. I did notice though that my balance was a bit funny... but by that time I was already up at the uni as I needed to pop to the shop there for something. As I was walking down a corridor and stopped to talk to someone.. we just talked about uni and how life was etc then mid-conversation she announced I looked absolutely terrible. To be honest I was a bit stumped because I didn't feel particularly bad compared with usual. Anywho after carrying on to the shop, I then left uni and decided to take a detour around the village instead of straight home to soak up some sunshine. It was lovely :) Although when my house as in sight I did suddenly feel pretty tired and it just seemed so far away. My walking seemed a little off aswell. Kind of like a tipsy feeling, not quite 100% in control. But I got home fine, dumped my stuff and flicked the kettle on. Just after I'd picked up my nice mug of green tea though I then went on to loose my balance to the extent that my lovely freshly made tea was now all over the kitchen sides and floor. GUTTED. And with that I decided to put myself to bed for a while. No fun. I did sneak a glance in my mirror though and my goodness I really did look terrible. Barely any colour in my face other than my red ringed eyes, and dark circles nicely complimenting them :/

Meh so that's just another afternoon wasted in bed because of a distinct lack of energy. :( But I do feel a little better now though :) but no where near refreshed. And as for the "wobble"... I've had them before particularly in the last few months. I put them down to the increases in doses of Keppra I'm on but my neurologist isn't sure what to make of them yet. I have a couple of tests coming up very soon though so maybe I'll get some answers.

Hopefully I won't need to sleep so much come the end of the week as it's well and truly party time this Friday as it's the university's May Ball woop!


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