Tuesday, 1 February 2011


Excuse me as I take this opportunity to ramble...

Yep so assessment hand-in was yesterday. I didn't hand-in. 
I had a meeting with one of my tutors on Friday where it was decided after a loooong discussion that I should  not sit the assessment. It's for the best. I was being naive I suppose. I was SO adamant that I didn't need extra time. But at the end of the day I do. I remember telling a friend a couple of weeks ago and they asked me if it was a matter of pride. I answered no. But now I think it was... 

At the beginning of the semester back in October/November I was having full blown seizures more than once a week, ending up in hospital on more than one occasion and having numerous medical appointments including seeing a neurologist 200 miles away! Also missing chunks of lectures because of absence seizures, and dealing with side affects of my medicine, not to mention how long it takes for me to absorb information and write lecture notes etc. My last TC seizure was only a week or so ago. It just took my tutor pretty much spelling it out for me to actually realise I genuinely could do with a couple of weeks extra time.

I had to go along to the hand-in along with everyone else as I had already agreed to meet someone there. So I had to just sit in amongst everyone while they handed over their work ready to take part in the assessment this week. Not meaning to be dramatic but it felt so awful. I'm not going to lie, I couldn't help but be  disappointed in myself. BUT I'll get over it.
Literally I as type I'm supposed to be presenting my work. At least the tutors will be able to have a little break :D.  I cant believe I'm actually jealous of people taking part. It's a really scary thing to do and WOW do your nerves come out!

I now have to fill out an Extenuating Circumstances form. Urgh I can't stand forms. A trip to the surgery was in order yesterday to ask for a specific doctors letter highlighting how a diagnosis and ongoing symptoms of epilepsy "adversely affects my assessment". FUN FUN!!

Good thing is I was pretty much ready to sit my assessment presentation wise. Which means that I can use this extra time to really work on my video piece :D which I REALLY need as I really don't have much of an idea how to create what I'm currently imagining it to look like. Technical computery type stuff is NOT my thing. I can safely announce I am RUBBISH at it. And well lets face it.. it's a completely new thing for me to learn and its going to take me a while!! Editing and creating sound for it is going to be the really hard bit for me but I think I have been able to enlist some helpers :D yay!

Right well I really do have a lot to get on with!


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