Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Diet changes as a result of Epilepsy.

In an attempt to gain some control over seizures I have made some changes to my diet to compliment the  lifestyle changes I've also made such as strictly regulating sleep patterns. 

They're just some simple changes really but hopefully it'll help... 

  • COFFEE - I LOVE coffee so this is one of the worst things I have to completely give up!! (Although I do drink a little decaffeinated coffee just for the taste!)
  • Large amounts of anything with high levels of sugar 

  • ALCOHOL - For me to drink alcohol with this condition and especially with taking 1500mg of Keppra is VERY VERY risky. It significantly increases the likelihood of seizures so personally (apart from on very rare occasions) drinking alcohol is not worth the risk.
  • BREAD - More of a personal diet choice I try not to eat any but if there's nothing else available I'll eat a small amount. Feeling extremely tired a lot of the time due to the effects of the medicine is hard enough to live with and eating bread only adds to the feeling so cutting it almost completely out is definitely the best option. 
    I drink a lot of water, I always have, but now I find that it helps refresh the sluggish effects of my medicine a little but that could be more psychological than anything else. Who knows but if it helps, it helps :) 
      Basically my main aim is to cut out anything that may cause disturbance with the brain whether it be through caffeine intake, blood sugar levels or exhaustion etc. I've been living with these changes a while but only time will tell if they will help reduce the frequency of seizures alongside the 1500mg per day of Keppra I'm currently taking.

      We shall see. 

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