Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Hello New Internship!

Well apparently my interview went well as... I GOT THE INTERNSHIP!!! I'm now officially employed in the place of my dreams!!! I cannot believe it, and absolutely delighted :) 

Best phone call EVER! 

I'm waiting for the forms to be processed by HR and will hear back from the lovely lady who was one of the people in my interview and who will be my support throughout, on Friday. Then it's go go go!

It's going to be hard especially in terms of tiredness and seizures but for now... Jade 1 - Epilepsy 0 !!!

I'm nervous I'm not going to lie, but I'm unbelievably excited too!


  1. That's amazing! Congratulations xx

  2. That's geat news. A big well done. Now all you need to do is nag your GP for your test results.
