Thursday, 14 April 2011

Yet another increase.

Following a appointment with my new neurologist the other day, my dose of Keppra has been increased from 1500mg to 2000mg per day. I'm only a couple of days in but already the difference in my mood and energy levels last week have altered drastically. For the worse. I'm back visiting my mum in South Devon for a few days and my family keep picking up on my lowered mood and lack of motivation and energy to help out on the farm compared with last week. I really can't help it though. My head is fuzzy, my entire body feels heavy and I feel like I could sleep for days on end. Any motivation I had last week has dropped down to zero.

But I know it's to help slow seizures down and eventually *fingers crossed* stop them all together :) and I usually get used to the side effect within a few weeks... this one has hit me hard though and I can already tell it's going to be a long drag.

Despite feeling rather miserable, little things like walking to sit by the sea for a few hours (despite it taking a tonne of energy) seems all the more worth it. I suppose a few days hanging out with the cats and all the other animals in sea air will do me good despite feeling awful I can't do as much helping out compared with last week. I don't like winging about it or telling people there and then how awful I feel so I just hope they understand. I know it could be SO much worse and thank my lucky stars that my seizures do seem to be  becoming less frequent particularly the full blown Tonic-Clonic. I am VERY thankful for that!

And with that said it's back to sleep for me! 


  1. Keppra's hard. I drink so much coffee to try to stay a step ahead of being exhausted just like you describe. All I REALLY want to do is sleep, all the time.
    Good luck with it!

  2. Thanks! Yeah the tiredness and lack of energy is the worst thing about it and that drains any motivation to do anything else! But hey I seem to be getting used to it slowly :)
