Monday, 11 July 2011

Impossible hangover

Urgh I was rather poorly last night and through yesterday :( About 7 pm I suddenly got a horrible headache. So I drank lots of water and took some painkillers but it didn't budge. Strangely for once I wasn't particularly tired so I watched a bit of TV for a while but found that I kept missing chunks of what was going on which I'm going to assume means I was having plenty of Absences. Eventually I just put myself to bed and bang I was gone. This morning I woke up with the headache gone but feeling REALLY tired and aching muscles :( not a good sign. A Tonic-Clonic seizure during my sleep is very likely. Brilliant.
Anyway onwards and upwards despite being really tired I had plenty of tasks to get through. Including taking one rather miserable hamster to the vet. I think it's safe to say she won't be liking me very much for a few days. I noticed my balance was off when I walked down the stairs and the walk to and from the vet was a bit dodgy. By the time I got home I had a headache again my vision was becoming blurry and my balance was awful. I HAD to ring a few different people about various matters I'm trying to sort out but being so tired it was pretty hard to concentrate who knows if I made much sense. No one seemed to notice though, well at least they didn't say anything...

Ahh well I spent the afternoon fast asleep and can't say I feel much better now still aching, and wobbly :( It's like a really long hangover,  not very pleasant.

It's just typical I wanted to go shoe shopping today as well for a wedding I've got coming up booooo! Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel little better and I can go off and find some shoes that will hopefully result in me appearing at least a little bit taller than my 12 year old sister in front of a whole load of my family. And yes I did say 12... ridiculous isn't it. I'm ten years older and yet she is still taller than me!! 

Time to stare at the ceiling some more for now though. X

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