Thursday, 13 January 2011

30 Min Epilepsy Documentary

Just watched this. It's a documentary filmed in North Wales about a group of young people living with Epilepsy. Simple and beautifully shot. A little insight into a life with Epilepsy.
Here's a link to it: Epilepsy Documentary

Worth a watch if you have the time :) It is filmed in Welsh but English subtitles are available by clicking the little owl logo in the bottom right hand corner.



  1. Hi Jade,
    I too have Epilepsy. I have had it for many years and just recently had a side effect occur from the medication, Tegretol. I am now in a process of finding meds that work for me.
    It's kind a funny that for nearly 30 years I had not to even think about my epilepsy, I just took Tegretol and my seizures were controlled. Now that I am in my 50's I am re-learning anew.
    Thanks for your helpful information.

  2. Hi,
    Thank you for reading!! I'm glad you find my little ramblings a little helpful :) ... keeping a diary of what happens helps me to remember the roller coaster journey!
    I'm sorry to hear you're not having such a good time lately I really do hope you get better soon and regain control.
    Keep smiling!
    Best wishes
