My clinic letter arrived in the post yesterday and it reminded me that I hadn't written about my last appointment with my neurologist. It feels like it was ages ago but actually it was only at the end of March.
It was pretty standard really. Go in, explain whats been going on, show some evidence, leave.
So now all I have to do is sit and wait for the appointments for my standard EEG and video EEG and hope that they don't fall on any of my deadlines!
My friend came with me to help explain what happens during my seizures which is a massive help. Having someone else's point of view is very valuable in determining exactly what happens. The best I can explain myself is the random patches that I remember which is next to nothing apart from odd sensations in my head and hands and the pain, aches and fuzzy confusion after. Said friend has also been with me when I've ended up in hospital and I had seizures while we were there. Listening to her talking with my neurologist was quite uncomfortable. It is still very strange to hear someone talk about the things I do without me remembering a single thing. For example during some smaller seizures I would look awake and like the seizure had finished and she would try and get me to talk but I was lying there completely unresponsive.
I also showed a video that another friend had captured of me when I was stuck in what I call "partial- seizure mode". The write-up of the video in the letter just basically explains what I do like eyes massively deviating to the right yet my left hand and arm does some strange jerking and twitching all whilst completely out of it. The neuro does point out how it was rather a long time to be in that state. There's not really much more I can say on that matter...
After talking for a while my doctor she said that she was going to book another EEG as the last one I had was about a year ago and thinks have changed a lot since. I am also to be booked in for a few days of video telemetry in hospital. Hopefully they will throw up some clues as to where to go next. Thankfully I'm not having to change any of medicine at the moment because she wants my tests done whilst I'm on my current meds (Keppra 2000mgs and Lacosamide 300mgs). Good news as my degree is coming to a close with some very important stuff going on to not be swapping or changing doses will mean less stress and sickness.
So now all I have to do is sit and wait for the appointments for my standard EEG and video EEG and hope that they don't fall on any of my deadlines!
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