Friday, 18 November 2011

Seizure activity.

Ok so my previous post was my trying to explain what I had experienced whilst thinking I'd had a nightmare. Well my housemate that witnessed the majority of my behaviour during that 'episode' mentioned it to her friend back home who was a nurse and it turns out it may well have been a seizure. Apparently that kind of behaviour is common for someone suffering with Complex Partials. 

I've had smaller ones where I get confused and it is VERY frustrating not being able to figure the simplest of things out there and then especially when you think you're talking sense to someone but they're looking at you with a "I really don't understand what you're saying..." look. But I've never had one so big before (that I know of)... Maybe that would explain the whole massive headache and pins & needles sensations in my fingers all that evening. 

Another something to mention to the neuro with said friend and housemate in tow! 

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