It's all work work work (and lots of napping) here at the moment. My prescription for an increase in my medicine arrives very soon. But I have a very very important seminar this Friday in which I have to present my ideas, research and work already created to the new group of students I've joined. I've chosen to hold off the increase until after this simply because I get nervous enough as it is when it comes to trying to put across ideas etc especially to a group of people I barely know! From past experience I can tell you that any change in my medicine sends me into another world physically and mentally and I absolutely cannot have that on top of my already growing nerves.
I keep thinking to myself, surely my health is a little more important than my education!?!
But given that I wont be able to get much in the way of university work done for probably well over a week I think just this once I'm going to have to put my uni stuff first... just for a couple of days.
I've been working hard to prepare myself for this seminar, when I can, I can't let it all go to waste. It's very annoying knowing that I won't be able to work to my full potential for a while though. Urgh. But that gives me all the more motivation to get as much as I can done before Friday. So for the rest of this week it's notes, research, notes, photography, more notes, experimenting, notes, reading, notes, trying to take in as much information as I can and yet more notes!
Oh I wish you the best on your project! I understand your concerns on starting an increase, you will be just fine. Please keep us posted. Thank you for your sweet comments. :) Lots of hugs and support to you!!!