Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Uni take 2 - Day One

Today was my first day at university this year. I don't think it's sank in yet. Needless to say I am shattered!!! It was a full day though of no stop talks and discussion. In a good way though :)
I was so nervous. I can't put my finger on exactly why I was just SO nervous I mean don't get me wrong I was excited too but more nervous. I think maybe I was scared that I would be meeting all these new people I'm about to spend the rest of the year with and I just kept imagining I would meet them say hello and BAM I would have a seizure. In fact I dreamt about it. It's all silly really. Plus I really shouldn't be stressing about it because that's more likely to bring on a seizure!! I know I had a couple of smaller ones because as I was sitting there I noticed I has missed what the tutors were saying a couple of times nothing major though thankfully :)

So the day is over, it was ok :) It's going to take me a while to get used to being in a new year with new people though. Plus I already have a to do list that is just ridiculously long. Plenty for me to do in the next couple of days.I just hope I can get it all done, I don't fancy starting the year on a downer... Luckily I'm feeling pretty motivated when it comes to getting things done just hoping the energy levels stay up :) 

1 comment:

  1. You'll be fine :):):) Even if the seizures are a problem, it looks like you have a great support system, a thing I did not have at the outset of my college education.
    Hang in there!
