Friday, 16 September 2011

A chat with the nurse.

I spoke to my nurse over the phone on the other day. We talked about the nightmares and hallucinations. It felt really strange talking to someone I don't know very well about them. Hearing myself explain what happens during them out loud was actually quite unnerving and dare I say it I felt like it was crazy talk. Slightly worryingly she really wasn't sure what to make of it all and said how unusual it was. She also said it is very unlikely it was a side effect of the Keppra and Vimpat I am currently taking. To be honest this worries me... I was really expecting her to say something along the lines of "ahh yes it's just a side effect don't worry about it, it should pass." Now I don't know what to think. 

I also mentioned that while the Vimpat does seem to have reduced the number of smaller seizures I'm having (wooooo!) I do still get days where I have seizure after seizure for hours on end. I assume they are whats classed as a cluster of seizures as opposed to status epilepticus which was mentioned when I told someone else about them. I assume it's not status as after a few hours the seizures go from one straight after another to them becoming further and further apart until I eventually stop seizing and just sleep for a VERY long time. In other words I come out of this by myself with no need for any other meds.

So the outcome of this little conversation is that she will be talking to my neurologist next week about "the matters" and will ring me back with what the neuro thinks in good time. In the mean time I will sit and wait. At least I have time to reflect on the fact there is now "patient has reported seeing spiders spill out of plug holes" written somewhere in my notes... Yaaaay! Oh but the conversation did end with "don't worry Jade I don't think you're going mad..." Which I suppose is a good point?...

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