Urgh this is ALWAYS an annoyance. Now, don't get me wrong I fully understand that it's all a matter of health and safety for others as well as myself but I always get a sinking feeling when someone needs me to come and sit down in their office and "go through some minor details regarding my medical condition".
I signed and handed over my work contract the other day, no biggie just read and sign a few forms. When I was waiting to catch a bus home however I had a call from an unknown number to my phone. I answered to find out it was from occupational health... great.
It was basically a meeting to see if I was suitable for the job role and any adjustments that need to be made which again is perfectly fine and usual procedure. But.. I can't go to far into it but I was absolutely gobsmacked at how little this person knew about Epilepsy and some of what was said made my want to cry let alone run away and hide. Let's just say their first aid skills weren't exactly up to date/scratch and I only hope that any "advice" they may give to other members of staff won't have to be used. Thankfully they will not have anything to do with helping me through a seizure and it's consequences. I did however blurt out as much information on Epilepsy and tell them as much information as I possibly could have in terms of what to do first aid wise.
As requested I popped down to visit the nurses they are so, so lovely and have dealt with my many a time before. When I first went into her room she told me how only last week they had been talking about me, I immediately though why on earth? Then she went on to say "well picture the scene.. there I was sitting in my kitchen the other day eating my cereal and caught a glimpse of a young girl on the TV and thought hang on..." haha it turns out she'd watched me during my interview on Daybreak. They know me very well as do security (who are also the first responders) for obvious reasons. She told me not to worry they know I'm around and about and will mainly be in my office with people around. Because my hours are at my own choosing all I have to do with tell someone I'm in the building when I arrive and that's that. She advised I make a little note with various phone numbers for people around the campus i.e. the medical centre, main reception and medical emergency and make it very clear that they are NOT to call an ambulance until I've been assessed by on site medical staff. We joked about putting a poster up in the main reception with my face on it and a quote saying "she's back..." :) There is also a sick bay that I am more than welcome to use whenever I feel I need to just for nap or know that something isn't right. I had an unexpected wave of relief when she told me this.
The people I work with knew from my before my interview that I have Epilepsy and it really isn't a problem for them. They know what to do should anything happen and that's simply it. I do hope with all my heart that there won't be anything too dramatic and scary for them I would feel terrible for putting them in a situation like that. Unfortunately though I can't control my seizures so they will most like show their ugly face. I trust the people who are around me and we will deal with it when comes together.
The people I work with knew from my before my interview that I have Epilepsy and it really isn't a problem for them. They know what to do should anything happen and that's simply it. I do hope with all my heart that there won't be anything too dramatic and scary for them I would feel terrible for putting them in a situation like that. Unfortunately though I can't control my seizures so they will most like show their ugly face. I trust the people who are around me and we will deal with it when comes together.
Well anyway that my little rant over!