Saturday, 11 December 2010

The Before and After.

This is just a bit a experimenting I've been doing for project work for university. The project is still a bit of a hard one for me to explain. I've been looking into altered states of consciousness as it's basis. The space between consciousness and sleep. The seemingly empty, dark and overwhelming nothingness. I suppose trying to find a way to photograph what is effectively invisible. If I were to use myself and my seizures as an example, I would say I was trying to recreate the lost moments of a seizure. I will be doing something in my everyday for and example making a cup of tea and the next thing I know I'm on the floor. I have no idea they are going to happen and remember absolutely nothing from the event. Its literally one second I'm standing and the next im not. I lose all sense of time and memory inbetween the two. I'm looking to find a way to regain these moments.
So one of my little experimenting sessions has been to photograph the very last thing I remember and the first thing I remember when I start to regain consciousness. 

*Gap I have been trying to fill*

Here I have not yet filled this gap or "missing moment" as I tend to call them. I have simply began the process of experimenting and have at provided a place for the answer to fill in perhaps the simplist of ways.

At the moment this project is not personal. It is not about me. I am just using my experiences as an aid to research. I hope that the overall outcome will be a general look at altered states of consciousness and a way to visualise the invisible.

Anywho this is just one of things I've been looking at and trying out. I've got quite a few of these before and after shots now with the seizures and all and its turning into a sort of diary..  Like I said it's still hard for me to explain exactly what I'm doing which is one of the main reasons for trying out different approaches to the subject :)


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