Sunday, 25 August 2013

Another VEEG session

I recently had another 3-day session of video telemetry. As far as I know I typically managed to not have any seizures (as far as I know) but I'm still waiting on the results so they may say otherwise. 

Ironically it was supposed to be a 5 day session and two days after I left the hospital which would have been the 5th day I was there I had multiple seizures. 

If you're interested in what its like to go through an experience like this I wrote what my time in the video telemetry unit was like in a previous POST the last time I was admitted there. 

Believe me when I say having video telemetry is not fun!! It's very boring (if you're conscious that is). You're confined to a single room with very little to do apart from watch TV/DVDs, chatting and eating. 

Tea drinking, watching films with my friends and staring out of the window was pretty much all I did for 3 days straight! The last image is myself after having all the electrodes taken off leaving behind a sore head but happy with a t-shirt that arrived in the post while I was there from the amazing charity Epilepsy Sucks UK. They provide anti-suffocation pillows so those who suffer with seizures in their sleep for free! Check them out! 

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