Well I can't say exactly what happened but I can take a very good guess at it! A good few mornings ago now I woke up with a very swollen bruised and carpet grazed elbow along with matching grazes to my face. They definitely weren't there when I went to bed.
Nice isn't it? This is actually when the bruising and swelling had gone down enough for there to actually be a bend in my elbow!
The thing is when it happened I woke up in my bed again so I can't be sure where I bumped myself in the house... I have a flicker of memory of being on the landing floor outside my room.. but I might just be imagining that. I could have simply seized my way on the floor next to my bed and collected my head and elbow on the way down. I just don't know and I never will.
I had managed to put up with the pain for a day and night but it just kept swelling and was very painful. Plus I woke up so many times in the night I guess from moving it in my sleep. We went to a country show the next day and eventually I got so fed up of the pain that I went to the first aid tent to ask their opinion. She took one look at it and the first thing the first aider asked was who I had been to see to get it looked at and when I told her no one her face was a picture. She pretty much demanded I go to the nearest A+E department and have it checked there and then. Anyway that evening I went to the hospital and had it examined and x-rayed to be told it was not broken (thankfully!) and that I had damaged the soft tissue down to the bone. It'll take a fair while to heal and will be in pain with it for a while but they gave me some super strength painkillers to go and made my way back home.
Well it's on the way to healing now. It's very hard learning to do everything with one arm but hey ho I can count my lucky stars it's not broken :)