Sunday, 29 June 2014

SAMi Seizure Alert Monitor

I was recently contacted regarding a new seizure monitor that I believe may be of great help to the many people out there who suffer from seizures. This monitor runs through the extremely popular iPhone. 

The press release for this monitor can be found here please do have a read.

Created out of personal need for their son the small business is located in Boulder Colorado. USA.

They're running a charitable Indiegogo campaign now, the campaign website has videos that show the product in use and an endorsement by a Denver neurologist.

It makes for interesting listening so please do look into this if you think you or anyone you know may be  interested. 

Friday, 6 June 2014

Nothing really changes

I'm still without internet so I'm having to neglect my blog :(

Quick update though..

More seizures
More injuries
More hospital.

Nothing really changes eh?

Adventuring when I can though :) I'll settle down one day when I have proper and constant internet and jot it all down!

Stay safe and seizure-free all x