Thursday, 19 March 2015


I have recently joined the world of Instagram!

I love it simply because it encourages me to take more photo's which in turn makes me happy :) and I can keep track of the little things that matter even when my terrible memory can't!

I'm jade.dolby in anyone wants to follow.



  1. Aloha: I am Nancy C Schumacher, and I have had the disorder since 1940.I am looking for persons with epilepsy who would like to be in a study which will begin in April, 2015. I am working on a PhD through University of the Rockies. For 19 years, I worked with the EFM on their speaker's bureau. I have read your blogs and feel as though you would be a great person to interview. I also am an artist, I paint with watercolors. I hope you will help me get the message of epilepsy out to the world.
    Nancy C. Schumacher

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