Friday, 22 March 2013

Back to life

I'm back out of my shoe box. Back at home. Back at work. Back to normal.

Not to much has been going on just visiting family and friends and generally taking a little step back from the world for a few days. The weather had been miserable as usual with rain, freezing winds and some snow thrown in when ever it feels like it.

My housemates are currently relaxing after finishing medical school having taken their last exam today. Good news on that note is that Epilepsy came up in one of their practical examinations, needless to say they would have all passed that with flying colours!! I feel so glad for them to be stress free for a little while. They're sitting in front of me as I type in fact painting glass jars ready for a party coming up very soon. We've just cooked and eaten a massive celebratory meal which was absolutely delicious and there's a cake happily baking away in the oven. I don't think I'm going to be able to to stay awake to eat some of it tonight though as I'm very tired today. I don't want to be too anti-social on such a happy evening so I thought I'd sit with them down here until I'm literally dropping to sleep! 

There is SO much coming up in life over the next few weeks. Everything from one of my closest friends getting married to various hospital visits (including a neurology appointment whoop) amongst travelling here, there and everywhere for various other things! We're also busy having visitors to the house at the moment because we're interviewing people to fill the rooms from July. I'm the only one staying in the house (sad times) so hopefully I'll find some lovely new housemates.

My youngest sister and I have decided to run the Race for Life in aid of Cancer Research UK. Obviously I have to take it slow but starting with a little jog a few times a week should help for now. I am definitely not fit enough to run yet though! Have to be very careful not to get to tired as ever as well, super excited though. 

That's pretty much it for now... not overly exciting... just have to carry on bumbling along with life and see how it goes as usual! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    Have been reading through your blog and have found it has bought me a lot of hope. I too have epilepsy and at the moment it is far from controlled. It is good to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that life can go on, if you make a few adjustments.
    Thank you :)
